Merry Christmas everyone. I hope you had a wonderful day yesterday. I can certainly tell you we are very blessed and I am truly thankful to our families for making it such a special Christmas for all of us. I will tell you I have no idea where all our new toys are going; it’s time to clean out the playroom. Over the next month or so I will most definitely being doing a playroom re-organization.
It all began Tuesday, December 23rd at 8am. We had the most amazing family outing. Yes, we took all four girls to the mall. We went before it even opened and let the girls play in the play area and let me tell you it was so much fun. I loved every minute of it and I can’t wait to go back.
and yes we sanitized like crazy after all our fun came to an end!! I know I’m nuts.
We finished our day with our family tradition of dinner at P.F. Changs. It all began 9 years ago when my mom decided she wanted to get our family together before the craziness of the holiday. Our first year simply consisted of the five of us; my mom, dad, brother, and sister. This year we had a table for 11. Oh my!! Such an amazing evening together. We missed Uncle Francis and Aunt Sarah.
Every Christmas Eve morning we have breakfast at Steve’s dad’s house. It was a wonderful morning filled with great company. This was the start of the girls never ending gift marathon and boy how they loved it.
Christmas Eve mass was one to remember; four girls five and under says it all. Luckily, we had my parents, sister and grandma with us; at least we weren’t out numbered.
One year I will get a family picture on Christmas Eve, but not this year.
Wow, that was quite the busy couple days (and we haven’t even made it to Christmas day yet), but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Christmas day is just as crazy, but just as much fun. Wow, I love our family and our life. These past few days truly reminded me of how truly blessed we are and how our family of 6 is so wonderful.
I have so much to tell but if I continue on with our Christmas day traditions this post would never end. So, I will fill you in on the rest in another day.
In the Comments Below:
- Tell me all about your Christmas? I love to hear how others celebrate.
Hi, Renee,
I enjoyed seeing the pictures and part 1 story of your family’s Christmas.
The girls are so beautiful and you all have so much fun.
The play area at the mall was such a creative design and looked like so much fun for the girls.
David and I drove from Kingsport, TN to Asheville, NC (100 miles) Christmas Eve and worshipped with Grant and Chris at their church. We enjoyed Christmas morning with their family and returned home in the afternoon in time for a nap before going to David’s cousin’s house for Christmas supper.
Greg and Amanda and Grant and Chris are going to visit their Dad near Atlanta this weekend and I am going to drive down (300 miles) and stay in a hotel near where I used to live for two nights. I will get to meet Greg and Grant and their families along with my brother and sister-in-law (Eddie and Barbara Creger) for supper Sunday. Monday I hope to see former girlfriends and coworkers before returning home Tuesday.
Back to school on January 5th. This is my 36th year in education and my fourth year teaching third grade at a small Catholic School.
Look forward to seeing you in July!
Jo Ann Rotenberry (My mother, Mabel Creger, was Aunt Anna’s only sister.)
Thank you. We really missed you seeing you this year. We love going to play at the mall it really is perfect for our girls.
Awe, your Christmas sounds wonderful!! I am so glad you are able to see everyone. Family is what makes Christmas so special.
Wow, I can’t believe you are still teaching; that is truly amazing and not easy.
Love to you all!!
Sounds like a blast, gorgeous family!
We had an insanely busy week, but it was one of the best Christmas weeks we have ever had. We also have 4 kids, it’s nuts, but I love it.
Thank you. Four kids is crazy, but the best!! I am so glad you had such a wonderful week. Perfect!!