Category: <span>Motherhood</span>

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Hanging Christmas Lights

Hanging Christmas Lights

Where do I begin? Have you ever hung Christmas lights? If so what was your first experience like? I must say it was easier than we both thought it would be. For the most part Steve did everything himself. I wanted to help but I had the girls to worry about. 🙂 Here is what...

We Are Those Parents

We Are Those Parents

Happy Sunday Everyone. I am sorry this post is getting out a lot later than my usual posts. But it has been a busy day. And for some reason whenever Steve is home I just can’t seem to get anything done. Before, I get into today’s story let me first tell you a little information....


A minivan and a workout

A Minivan and I am Changed Forever Oh my, I can’t believe I just wrote that title. I have truly lost my mind. So, Steve and I decided we could really use a bigger car for our two little ones and maybe one day another little munchkin. Currently, we have a Trailblazer that we bought four...


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