Category: Family

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Check-In – Day 6

Check-In – Day 6

Wow, I can’t believe it is already day 6 of our challenge. Which means we are a week into December. This month is flying by way too fast and I have so much to do. This is the first year that Sophia, my 3 year old, is really into Christmas. Last year she was beginning to understand...

Thank Back Thursday – Family Togetherness

Thank Back Thursday – Family Togetherness

Today’s, Think Back Thursday theme is Togetherness. So I decided I would look at a few of the past Christmas’s and see what we have. Well, since you are beginning to get to know me, you are starting to learn I always used to forget to take pictures (especially after Isabella was born). But I am...

Christmas Tree Past

Christmas Tree Past

Christmas Tree Past Today is Christmas tree cutting day! It is one of my favorite days of the holiday season. We are going to a different Christmas tree farm than we used to. We typically went to same one for years and years but now that we have all moved it is quite far. So,...

Hanging Christmas Lights

Hanging Christmas Lights

Where do I begin? Have you ever hung Christmas lights? If so what was your first experience like? I must say it was easier than we both thought it would be. For the most part Steve did everything himself. I wanted to help but I had the girls to worry about. 🙂 Here is what...