As always, thank you Katie for hosting. I love looking at all the marvelous happenings in my life. It is nice to take a few minutes and focus on the good things in life. The weather this weekend was absolutely marvelous. It was beautiful. We were able to enjoy playing outside as a family. This is the...
Category: Marvelous in My Monday
MIMM # 7 – Mother’s Day Weekend
Thank you Katie for hosting. It is so nice to read all about the marvelous happenings in everyone’s lives. I love to focus on the positive. I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. Our Mother’s Day did not turned out as planned; when you have kids what does? Sophia woke up on Sunday morning with...
MIMM # 6 – Naked Green Machine Drink
Thank you Katie for hosting!! Sophia comes and curls up next to me on the couch and sweetly whispers, “You are the best Mama in the whole wide world” Can’t get much more Marvelous than that. Enjoying the beautiful weather. I truly love being outside with my girls. Watching my girls play together is...
MIMM # 5 + I Have a Problem…
I think I am addicted… Before I get into the details of my new found obsession I want to tell Steve and I had a wonderful anniversary weekend. It was nice to be alone for a couple days; you kind of forget what it’s like to not have little ones always around. If you ask...