Just a little over a month ago we got family pictures taken for our Christmas cards. We typically take family pictures about twice a year; any more and I would be too stressed. It is so much work getting everyone ready and dressed for pictures. That’s not even mentioning hoping and praying that the...
Category: 2012 Closeout Workout Challenge
Check-In – Day 6
Wow, I can’t believe it is already day 6 of our challenge. Which means we are a week into December. This month is flying by way too fast and I have so much to do. This is the first year that Sophia, my 3 year old, is really into Christmas. Last year she was beginning to understand...
Today’s December Challenge Check-In
I just did 30 jumping jacks, 20 push-ups, 20 narrow squats, and 20 regular squats for a 5 day total of 430 reps so far. Only 1582 reps to go, AHHHH, that sounds like a lot. But we can do it! There is still plenty of time to join us. If you decide you want...
Today’s Workout and Check-In
Today’s Workout Since, today is Sophia’s ballet day, I got up early to workout before the girls. I decided to do the P90X Kenpo DVD, which is simply a kickboxing workout. I haven’t done this one in awhile and I forgot how much I loved it. It’s a great low impact workout. This morning I...