Earlier this week I came across an article that really hit me and got me thinking about my girls. The article talked about being present for your children. It got me thinking about my own girls and whether or not I was actually taking the time to be present or aware when I was with them. It got me thinking about whether I was actually taking the time to shut out the rest of the world to be with my girls. This article is so well written I encourage to take a moment and read it. It has really changed the way I am going to go about my days as a mother from here on out.

Being Present in My Daughters’ Day
I started to think about my two older girls, Sophia and Isabella. I started to think how I feel as though I am missing them so much. I am missing our time together. Since the babies were born I feel as though I have been so busy I barely take the time to enjoy my girls. and that makes me sad. So, I am making a pledge to take time and be present. I am going to set aside time to be with my girls. When the babies are sleeping I am going to spend some of the time with Sophia and Isabella and whatever time is left I can spend it getting a few things done, but my priority is going to be my girls not my house. They are all going to be in school before I know it and I will have time to work on my house. If the babies are awake we are all going to play together. I am going to take the time and do more crafts with my girls; at least twice a week. I am going to put down my phone when I am with them. I pledge to enjoy my girls and stop stressing about my to-do list.
I encourage you to do the same. Whether you are a parent or not. I challenge you to stop worrying about what you have to do and start enjoying your life. Start enjoying the here and now. We all forget from time to time to just enjoy life, enjoy the little things, enjoy what matters; everything else can wait.
What A Four Year Old Should Know
Another piece that hit me was something a preschool teacher wrote about what four year olds should know. Of course, this hit me hard because I have a precious four year old that I love very much and I simply want the best for her now and forever.
I saw this on Facebook the other day. I don’t know where it originated or who the author is but it is powerful. It truly says it all!!
This is such a wonderful post Renee! Being present has been on my mind lately, too! I have been focusing too much on my to-do list lately and not enough quality time with Keenan. Now that he is in preschool two days a week, it has hit me that he is going to be in school before I know it, so my days at home with him are extra precious (especially since baby #2 will be arriving in a few months!). The house can definitely wait, but we can’t get this time back with our little ones!
Thank you!! I have really been trying to spend more quality time with Sophia and Isabella. McKenzie and McKayla have gotten more needy so it is so hard. You will notice you will want to soak in every little moment with Keenan. It is crazy to think how much they are away from you when they start school. They grow so fast.
What a wonderful post Renee! Both are great articles and I especially love the second one. It is so true that parents, moms in particular, get caught up on what our child should be doing based on what others are. I always try to say that every child develops differently but in the mom and child pre-pre-school, that we have been going to, I’ve definitely found myself worrying if he knows enough. Yesterday I was out searching for learning toys to make sure he’s doing enough at home! Great reminder to slow down and let kids develop at their own pace and through play!
Thank you!! It is so hard to not want to compare, but like you said it is important to remember every child is different. The pressure we put on ourselves as mothers is crazy.