Happy Friday everyone. I am so ready for this weekend; we don’t have much planned which is always a winner to me. I feel like we have had a relatively busy week. So it will be nice to have a slow weekend. I will be doing a little packing for our trip (2 weeks away) and cleaning.
I have so much on my mind I want to tell you about so this is going to be a little random today. Here it goes:
- I went to the grocery store all by myself today. My mom and grandma stayed with the girls. I am so grateful my mom is willing to watch all 4 girls; it takes an amazing grandma to be able to that. It was so nice being able to frolic through the isles.
I love grocery shopping.
- I bought my first loaf of Ezekiel bread today and I can’t wait to try it tomorrow. I have always heard so much about it I just didn’t want to spend the money, but it was on sale and I had a coupon.
- I bought some almonds to make almond butter; another first for me. I don’t know what got into me today. Actually, I do. I am feeling really good when it come to health and fitness and I want to make sure I have plenty of healthy food options at home. Since, I am still breastfeeding McKenzie and McKayla and working out hard I need to make sure I eat enough.
- I have already started packing for Disney. I don’t want to be rushing the weekend before. I am trying to do a little each day. I will let you know how that goes.
- I am counting down the days until we get on a plane to Florida. I have to get out of the cold weather. We are all going stir crazy.
- This week was my first week doing P90X (2nd time around; I did these videos after I had Sophia). This week has felt great; I forgot how much I love this program. I love how sore I feel and I can’t wait to do Kenpo tomorrow.
- Now that I have been waking up at 5:30am for a month and a half it is so easy to do. Trust me if you are trying to figure out when to workout start waking up early and eventually it will be second nature.
- I can’t believe I finished the 30 day plank challenge. It felt so great to actually do a 5 minute plank. It was difficult but amazing. I lost two inches off my waist, but I have to say I was also doing the 30 Day HIIT Challenge. So I can’t say it was simply the planks that did it, but I definitely feel my abs are much stronger.
- We just printed off the paperwork to register Sophia for kindergarten. Seriously?!? That seems so crazy. I get teary eyed just thinking about it. I am going to miss my little girl. Oh my, I am crying just talking about it. Okay, I need to move on.
- Have I told you how awful it is it have two babies teething at the same time. I feel do bad for McKenzie and McKayla they are not very happy. McKenzie got her two bottom teeth in about two weeks ago and now her top teeth are working their way in and McKayla is working on getting her two bottom teeth in. We have had a couple rough nights of sleep, but we are all hanging in there.
- This is one of my favorite recipes right now. I made it tonight and it is delicious. I love that it is so simple.
- It has been so nice to have Isabella out of diapers for over a month now. I am seriously loving not having to change her diapers too. Life got a little more simple (I refuse to say easy).
- Sophia and I snuggled in my bed yesterday afternoon and it was heavenly. I love holding my little girl. I know it won’t be like that for long, so I will take whatever I can get. I feel asleep of course.
I feel like there was something else I wanted to talk to you about, but right now I have no idea. My brain gets a little mushy at night; okay maybe not just at night, but anyway I am going to end it here. If I think of something else I will let you know. I can’t wait to talk to you more about prepping for Disney with little ones next week. Have a wonderful weekend I will talk to you Monday!!
In the Comments Below:
- Tell me what you have planned for the weekend.
- Share with me some random thoughts on your mind. I would love to hear all about it.