My 29th Birthday

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My 29th Birthday

I hope your week is off to a wonderful start. Today was my 29th birthday. Oh my, I have entered my last year in my 20’s; this is going to be a great year.

I have been surrounded by lots of wonderful family and friends over the past few days. I am so blessed to have such wonderful people in my life. Thank you to everyone who made my weekend so special.

Since, it’s getting late I am only going to write a quick post today. I hope you don’t mind. I will be back tomorrow.

I have to tell you what my wonderful husband got me for my birthday. First, I have to say he is the best gift giver ever. Seriously, this man always gets me amazing gifts. I for one am not that great. 🙁 In the seven years we have been married I finally surprised him with a great gift this year. I know, I know I am so bad. But I am working on it.

Anyway, I have been talking about how I want to get back into take classes at the gym so I need some new workout clothes. I also told him that I have always wanted to take a few classes at this studio by us called Clarkston Hot Yoga. Well, of course my amazing hubby got me gift cards to Lululemon (he knows it is much better if I pick it out) and the yoga studio.

birthday - lululemon gc birthday - yoga gc

He seriously, knows how to make a woman feel loved. I appreciate him more then he knows. Thank you Steve for taking such good care of the girls and me. I love you very much.

Oh and I how did I forget he also surprised us with my favorite cupcakes from Just Baked.

Of course, I ate half the peanut butter and chocolate one. It was delicious.

birthday - cupcakes

What a wonderful day I had. One of the best parts of my day was my wonderful two hour nap. Yes, I slept solid for two hours. It was glorious!! I can’t wait to see what this year has in store for us. I know it will be wonderful because I have the best family and friends.

One comment on “My 29th Birthday

  1. Happy birthday!!! And yes, your husband is a keeper 🙂