MIMM # 39

MIMM # 39

Good evening everyone. I hope you are having a wonderful start to your week. It doesn’t feel as though our week has officially started since Steve was off work and Sophia didn’t have school today. But that’s okay it was nice to have a 3 day weekend. We had a pretty relaxing one too. Some of our family from Chicago were in town and we had so much fun hanging out and catching up with them. I am already looking forward to their next visit.


Anyway, like usual I am going to link-up with Katie for Marvelous in My Monday; one of my favorites.

Marvelous is…

Making another new recipe for dinner tonight. I am so proud of myself, two new meals in one month. Wow!! This one is definitely a keeper; everyone enjoyed it including Sophia. It was also very easy.

mimm 39 - chicken roll ups mimm 39 - chicken roll ups plate

Marvelous is…

Going to the gym today with Sophia and Isabella. I was able to take BodyStep by Les Mills; it is a great class. I am still doing my 30 day challenge; today was cardio day. Ever since I started this challenge I have seriously been craving my workouts and I truly missed it today. I can’t wait to get back at it tomorrow.

Marvelous is…

Seeing the positive in our lives. Last week I wrote a post about seeing the good in what we have going on in our lives instead of focusing on the negative. I feel like so far I am doing pretty good at it, especially the sleeping part. I have seriously been talking myself out of being tired. I simply think about the few hours a do get instead of the many hours I don’t get.

In the Comments Below:

  1.  Tell me what is marvelous in your lives.
  2. How you are doing with seeing the positive in your life?

4 comments on “MIMM # 39

  1. I recently started to take at least one picture a day. A picture of something fun or something that makes me happy or excited. This really helped me to see and enjoy the little things in life and also it is nice to look back and remember those moments. Life is so fast, so many things are forgotten so easily.

    • That is a wonderful idea. I am definitely going to start doing that. Thank you!! I always feel like I am going to forget these days and that is a great way to be able to look back at our lives. 🙂

  2. Great blog, your girls are adorable. I’m about to have my 4th girl!