Thanksgiving 2013 – Part 1

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Thanksgiving 2013 – Part 1

I am sorry it is another late post, but McKenzie and McKayla are both teething right now and life has been quite rough around here. McKenzie is just not a happy camper.

Oh my goodness, I have so much to tell you about our trip. I gave you some details on how I made our 4-5 hour car ride more enjoyable with little ones, but I haven’t told you anything about the 3 days. So, here we go.

It all started on Wednesday morning when we packed our car and loaded all of us up. That right there is quite an ordeal. Thanks to the under car storage in our minivan we were able to pack all of our suitcases and two double strollers comfortably in to it.

thanksgiving car ride

The first hour of our trip went very smoothly; three out of our four girls were asleep. Once McKenzie and McKayla woke up I can’t say the same for the next little bit. I learned quickly the best thing to do was to pump and give the girls bottles instead of trying to nurse them throughout the trip. With six of us we simply couldn’t take the time. All in all I would say our drive to New York was a success.

Once we got to New York we met up with my Uncle who so kindly got us a wonderful suit at the casino hotel. Our room had a king size bed and a pull out couch (we brought a pack ‘n play).

McKenzie and McKayla were so happy to be able to stretch their little bodies.

thanksgiving m&m on bed

thanksgiving m&m on bed side

thanksgiving girls bed

This was Sophia and Isabella’s first time sleeping in the same bed and they loved it; almost too much. We kept having to remind them they needed to sleep. I must say their laughter was the most amazing sounds. I love listening to our girls giggle and have fun together. Isabella kept saying “Daddy says we have to whisper”; of course she said this while talking loudly. 🙂 Oh Bella!! Sophia told us I just don’t think I can sleep with her. It is just to hard. Their little personalities are perfect!

That evening we went to my aunt and uncles house to spend time with our family. I have to tell you there is never a dull moment. It was so nice seeing everyone, it had been way too long.

Once, we got back to our hotel room I was so happy to have that day behind us. It was a long and exhausting day. Luckily, everyone slept well, even McKenzie and McKayla They loved sleeping in their pack ‘n play.

thanksgiving m & m sleeping

I must say our first road trip went much better then expected. Steve and I were both pleasantly surprised. I try to prepare myself for the worst, so I am not disappointed. I want to be prepared to handle anything; with four daughters I think that is important.

You can click here are my tips for taking a road trip with little ones.

I will fill you in on the rest of the trip ASAP!! Sorry it has taken my so long, but life is crazy around here these days. I will talk to you tomorrow.

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