MIMM # 31 – Christmas Tree Time

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MIMM # 31 – Christmas Tree Time

Happy Monday everyone. Another weekend has come and gone and we are already at the end of November; Christmas is a month away. Oh my! Seriously, time needs to slow down. Our girls are getting big so quickly.


Today, I am joining Katie for Marvelous in My Monday.

This weekend was one of my favorite weekends of the year; Christmas tree cutting!! Sunday morning we went with Mimi, Papa, Auntie Ade, and Uncle Scotty to a Christmas tree farm. Let me tell you it was freezing. We were all bundled up, but I have to say Sophia and Isabella weren’t phased in the least; they had a bawl. They were running around like crazy. McKenzie and McKayla on the other hand were not as impressed. I had them all bundled up in the car seats and I don’t think McKenzie liked it very much. McKayla slept the entire time, but McKenzie wanted nothing to do with her car seat. Christmas tree shopping with two babies is quite the adventure.

Watching Daddy cut down our tree.

tree picking - bella with daddy cutting

tree picking - b and s with daddy cutting Trying to take a picture with Auntie Ade, but can’t stop watching Daddy.

tree picking - b and s with ade watching daddy

This one is a little better.

tree picking - b and s with ade

Auntie Ade and Uncle Scotty with their first real tree.

tree picking - ade and scott carrying first tree

tree picking - ade and scott with tree

tree picking - ade and scott with b and tree

tree picking - ade and bella walking

Picture with Mimi

tree picking - b and s with mimi

Isabella loved the camera.

tree picking - bella sweet tree picking - bella smile

Having so much fun holding her little “tree”.

tree picking - bella holding little treeThe girls and Mommy.

tree picking - mommy and b tree picking - mommy and s

Sophia drinking her hot chocolate; trying to warm up a little.

tree picking - sophia drinking hot chocolate

I have to say I am not ready for this freezing cold weather and this is just the beginning. Oh my!!

Good thing I have our Disney trip in February to look forward too and with the way time flies it will be here before we know it.

In the Comments Below:

  1. Tell me what is marvelous in your life.
  2. Do you have a real or a fake Christmas tree?

4 comments on “MIMM # 31 – Christmas Tree Time

  1. It sounds like you had a great weekend!
    My twins are marvelous! They are 8 months now and keep me on my toes for sure. They seem to do something new everyday! They aren’t crawling yet, but I think it will happen any day now.
    My husband wants to get a “real” tree this year and start the tradition now that the twins are here! I think it’s a great idea and I’m getting so excited for Christmas this year! I can’t believe how fast time is flying by! I agree, it really needs to slow down!
    Have a marvelous Monday!

    • Wow 8 months!! I bet that flew by, I can’t even imagine our girls at 8 months. Oh my it makes me sad just thinking about it!!

      I love our real tree, the smell is amazing!!

  2. So jealous you already got your tree! We usually get ours the weekend after Thanksgiving but since we are in the process of renovating, then moving, I’m not sure when we’ll get it 🙁 Looks like you all had a blast!

    • We couldn’t wait any longer. It has been nice to have it up and to be able to enjoy it longer.

      I can only imagine what it must be like to be renovating right now.