34 Weeks – The Twins are Here!

34 Weeks – The Twins are Here!

The twins were born yesterday, July 3rd, at 10:20 and 10:27 in the morning.

We are all doing great. They have not needed any oxygen or feeding tubes. Our babies are amazing little girls.

We are still working on a name for one of our little ones.

Birth - Twins Baby A

Baby A weighed 3 pounds 3 ounces and was 17 inches.

Birth - Twins Baby B 1

Baby B weighed 5 pounds 5 ounces and was 18 3/4 inches.

Birth - Twins first family picture

I was able to deliver naturally and everything was perfect. It was my favorite delivery to date.

Having them in the NICU is very difficult. I wish I could just hold my girls all the time. But, I know it is where they need to be right now. McKenzie has been nursing great, we are working on “Little One”. I still cannot believe they are here, we are head over heals in love.

I will write a full birth story as soon as I can. Thank you again for all your love and support throughout my entire pregnancy. We appreciate all of you very much.

28 comments on “34 Weeks – The Twins are Here!

  1. Diana on said:

    Amazing, how times have changed. I was born 3 months early in 1980 and in those days, you couldn’t even touch,let alone hold the baby. Yay for better medical care and a mom’s healing touch! Mazel tov and all the best!

    • Thank you. It is so amazing all the wonderful things that can be done in the medical world. Babies are truly a miracle. 🙂

  2. Beth Sheridan (sugarcoatedsheridans.com) on said:

    Oh congratulations!!! I got chills just looking at you and your precious little ones!! I am so very glad that everything went so well and you have two strong baby girls there…Can’t wait to read more about it! Congrats again!!

    • Thank you. We are so in love. I have started writing, but it is so much more difficult these days. But I promise more details are coming soon. 🙂

  3. Julie on said:

    Congratulations on your beautiful girls! I know from experience that having your babies in the NICU is tough! my twins were in there for a week and it was very emotional. My son and daughter are now 3 months and doing great. They were born at 4 lbs each and are now 8.5 and 9.5lbs! They certainly grow quickly! Congrats again and sending positive thoughts for a speedy NICU stay!

    • Thank you. It is awful. I feel so empty. We are missing a part of our family. I am praying and hoping it is not for much longer. Thank you for the wonderful inspiration. I am so glad your babies are doing so well. 🙂

  4. Giselle@myhealthyhappyhome on said:

    Congratulations Renee! I’m so glad to hear that everything went smoothly! They are beautiful and I am so happy for you!

  5. Eating 4 Balance on said:

    How beautiful! Congratulations 🙂 I can’t wait to hear more about them (and their names!!). That is amazing to hear that there weren’t any complications and that they didn’t need any tubes. Awesome news!

    • Thank you!! Yes, we are so thrilled how well they are doing and how little intervention they needed.

  6. Erin on said:

    Congrats Mama! They are beautiful!

  7. Megan on said:

    So beautiful – congratulations. I found your blog through Peas & Crayons.

    My daughter was also a 34 weeker – and spent 2 weeks in the NICU – it was so tough but you will be overjoyed when you bring them home.

    • Thank you!!

      The NICU stay is awful. Sometimes I don’t even know what to do with myself. Yet I am so busy I can’t even think.

      Two weeks is what we are thinking, but I continue to hope and pray that maybe it will be sooner and hopefully not any longer.

      • Megan on said:

        I just browsed through and saw that both are home! Nearly brought tears to my eyes, because I remember how incredibly tough it is to leave your baby behind (in your case, two beautiful babies). Overjoyed that they’re all with you now 🙂

        • Thank you. It was the worst to leave without the girls. But now I can’t even remember not having them home with us. It is crazy how quickly everything changes. 🙂

  8. Laura @ Special Treats on said:

    Huge congrats! This is such beautiful news!!! You are my 34 week buddy for having twins 🙂 If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask. So happy to babies are so healthy and doing well. If you have any breast feeding tips, please send them my way!

    • Thank you!! I truly might be asking you tons of questions. Right now I am lonely and lost even though I am never alone and I have so much to do. It is a crazy feeling.

  9. Trixie on said:

    Congratulations, they’re beautiful! I’m thrilled you were able to deliver them naturally, and prayers for your journey ahead! =)

  10. Rachel on said:

    Congratulations!! I am so, so happy for you and it makes me a the more excited to meet our own twin boys in a couple of months. Your girls truly look wonderful and healthy (so do you!!). I’ll be praying they can come home soo
    n! Best, Rachel

    • Thank you!! It truly is wonderful delivering two babies. It is already amazing experience. I can’t wait for you to meet your boys. 🙂 Thank you for the prayers.

  11. Jennifer on said:

    They are gorgeous! Great job, Renee!

  12. Congratulations!!!!!

  13. Allison on said:

    AH!! Congratulations! They are so sweet, and I’m so glad to hear they’re doing well!