I am so sorry this is much later then I usually post, but today has been a crazy day.
10 Things I am Loving/Disliking About this Pregnancy
*I don’t like to use the word hate, so I thought dislike was fitting.
1. I love knowing that two amazing babies are growing inside of me. It is so surreal.
2. I love my little bump I have right now and the big one I know is coming. I loved my pregnant belly with my girls and I can’t wait for my belly to start growing.
3. The way Sophia, my three year old, is with my belly. She is so cute and protective of her two babies. She always tells me they are ready to come out. She is so excited to be the biggest sister.
4.The fullness of my hair. Every time I am pregnant my hair becomes so full and grows so quickly. I love it!
5. This one is a little silly, but I love the way my husband takes extra good care of me. He always takes care of me, but when I am pregnant and especially this time around he dotes on me left and right. He is always telling me to get off me feet. He is seriously an amazing husband. He takes such good care of all of us.
6. I am disliking the fact that food doesn’t really look good to me. I really want to want food and I don’t. The only reason I eat is because I know my babies need the nutrients.
7. I am disliking not being able to do as much as I used too. My doctor has told me that right now my most important job is to take it easy to keep these babies inside of me as long as possible. I am not allowed to exercise, not allowed to do too much cleaning or cooking. I am really supposed to take it easy. Which, I know sounds amazing, but really it’s not. I feel so helpless and I hate that my husband goes to work all day and then comes home and has to do work around the house. He is really working hard.
8. I am disliking having to take a nap in the middle of the day. I have been so exhausted lately that I have no choice but to close my eyes during nap time. I seriously, cannot keep them open.
9. I am disliking not being able to carry my little ones. I loving snuggling Bella in my arms and being able to hold her whenever she wants. But, that is one of the restrictions my doctor gave me right away. We have been having lots of snuggle time on the couch though.
10. I am disliking not being able to be as active with my girls as I used to be. This exhaustion is just beating my up.
All in all, I love being pregnant. I love knowing that I am the only one who gets to carry my babies in my belly for the next several months. I love everything about the miracle of babies. Babies are a blessing and I am truly blessed to have been given two at one time.
Love this post! It’s always nice to see how others feel about their pregnancy. With our little guy, I had a great pregnancy but didn’t love it. I was so worried about how big I was going to get that I didn’t really enjoy any of it. Well, besides knowing he was growing big and healthy! Now, looking back, the next time around I’ll take more time to actually enjoy it and indulge a little more
Thank you. I know sometimes it is hard to enjoy. But this time especially I am taking everything, this is my last and that is so bitter sweet. I will miss never carrying another baby. I have to say the second and this time were easier since I know we get to hold our precious baby soon enough.
Yes next time you enjoy that pregnancy.