Thinking Out Loud # 81

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Thinking Out Loud # 81

{Thank you Amanda for Thinking Out Loud}

Thinking-Out-Loud (3)

  1. Wow!! I can’t believe today is really over. It was amazing and wonderful, but oh so exhausting. Our day began with Sophia and I going to her school, of course she still wanted Mommy to help in her class, even though I would be back in the afternoon and I just couldn’t say no. I love being with my girls whenever possible and I cannot even tell you how grateful I am to my mom for allowing me to do that. I love that she loves being with my girls too and boy do they love her. After helping I came home to get Isabella to go to her school Christmas party. It was so much fun just being with her; we don’t get too much time together and I want to take it all in before she’s in school full time.think - christmas party 2015 isabella think - christmas party 2015 isabella 2 think - christmas party 2015 isabella snowman
  2. After dropping Isabella off at home and quickly eating a yummy salad (I always try to make sure to get my greens in everyday, especially this time of year.) I headed over to Sophia’s school to celebrate Christmas with her class. Even though it’s not always easy planning the class party today really was so much fun. I love watching Sophia’s little face light up when she knows her Mama helped plan her party. She loves that I am so involved in her school and I love our time together; I wouldn’t change it for the world.thinking - christmas party 2015 snowman cups think - christmas party 2015 food table think - christmas party 2015 reindeer donuts think - christmas party 2015 sophia's ornaments think - christmas party 2015 sophia
  3. Little, Sparkle Lila is getting tiring, good thing it’s almost time for her to head back to the North Pole for the year. I need a break. Ha!think - elf couch
  4. Tomorrow is pajama day for both Sophia and Isabella. I am so excited to not have to get everyone dressed. Oh what a wonderful way to end our 2015 school year.
  5. I saw this quote the other day and I just couldn’t help myself; I really do have 5 kids!!husband quote

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  1. Tell me what is on your mind.

One comment on “Thinking Out Loud # 81

  1. I feel you on the elf- I am quickly running out of ideas and imagination!! My 3 older kids all had pajama day at school today, perfect kick off to Christmas vacation!