Weekly Workouts # 10

This past week was my last week of Pop Pilates, Bodyrock, etc. before beginning The Master’s Hammer and Chisel for the next 60 days (actually 48 because that’s about when we leave for Disney and I am NOT taking these DVDs with me). I am going to miss all of my youtube workouts, but I am beyond excited to start this new challenge. I am ready to get out of my workout rut. First up was Chisel Balance followed by Hammer Plyometrics I will fill you in on all the details next week. Last Weeks Workouts Monday 1-4-16: 8 min at home...

MIMM # 136 – Christmas

MIMM # 136 – Christmas

Better late then never.. Our Christmas couldn’t have been any better. I must say this was probably our best one as a family of six to date. Our girls were so excited, it was truly beautiful. There is nothing I love more then seeing my girls truly happy. Yes, they loved all their new toys, barbies, crafts and more. But, more then anything they truly enjoyed spending the day with everyone they love. After having fun opening gifts at home we headed to Gram and Grandpa’s house for some waffles, gifts, and more. Sophia was not in the picture taking mood, but these...

Thinking Out Loud # 82

Thinking Out Loud # 82

{Linking up with Amanda – Thursday’s are for Thinking Out Loud} Our first week back is almost through and I can’t even begin to tell you how ready I am for the weekend, but we all survived. Monday was rough but as the week went on it got a little easier each and every day. Getting back into your routine is not easy. I ordered The Master’s Hammer and Chisel last week and it arrived yesterday. I can’t even tell you how excited I am to get started (I will begin my 60 days on Monday). I am a little...

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