WIAW # 119 – Hammer and Chisel Week 2

WIAW # 119 – Hammer and Chisel Week 2

I can’t believe I am already on week 2 of The Master’s Hammer & Chisel. Time flies when you are having fun. Find workouts you love and it will never feel like a chore. I am loving these workouts. As most of you know I completed 2 rounds of 21 Day Fix Extreme and continued to follow the eating plan throughout most of last year. This time around I am working on making this meal plan practical; meaning if I want a treat I make sure to work it in (I will trade one yellow for something sweet, that’s not on...

MIMM # 37 – Baby Shower

MIMM # 37 – Baby Shower

What a wonderful weekend we had. My brother and sister-in-law flew in to celebrate their baby shower with us. Oh how I love a good party. My mom and I spent weeks preparing for this and it turned out even better then expected. I truly loved planning this event with my mom; we make a great team. Have I told you how excited I am to meet my new baby niece in just a few short months?!   Our girls couldn’t have behaved any better, I am so proud of them. They love a good party, just like their mama. 🙂 Days like...

WIAW # 118 – Hammer & Chisel

WIAW # 118 – Hammer & Chisel

As most of you know I started The Master’s Hammer & Chisel workout program on Monday. I am also following the meal plan. This meal plan is pretty much the same 21 Day Fix plan I followed for many, many months last year, so I pretty much have it down pat. I love that it provides structure to my eating, which helps me stay focused and continue to make healthier food choices each day. It has helped me get back on track from all the tasty holiday treats (Yes, I enjoyed a few too many, but it was just what...

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