My 30th Birthday

My 30th Birthday

Today, I turned 30 and what a day it was. Nothing went quite as planned, but it truly showed me that I always have my family and that is all that matters. I couldn’t be more blessed to have the love of my girls. I still can’t believe I am 30. I can’t believe I have closed another chapter in my life, but I am so excited to start this next one. Here is a little thing I posted on my personal Facebook page last night and it sums up how I feel about heading into my 30s. Wow, this is my...

MIMM # 106 – Memorial Weekend

MIMM # 106 – Memorial Weekend

Hello, Hello {I’m linking up with Katie for Marvelous in My Monday} I hope you had a wonderful weekend. I truly enjoyed having all of my girls home with me and I loved date night with my hubby. Friday the girls and I worked on finishing up our mulch. I have the best helpers and they sure are cute. On the way to Mimi and Papa’s we made a pit stop at the Disney Store (Isabella told Daddy she needed a few things). McKayla and McKenzie ended with a Minnie Mouse stuffed animal. Saturday we dropped the girls off at...

MIMM # 105 Part 2 – Sarah’s Wedding Shower

Our wonderfully busy weekend ended with an amazing day dedicated to celebrate Sarah and Fran. We had a beautiful wedding shower on Sunday afternoon (if I don’t say so myself). The food, the cake, and the company couldn’t have been better. I seriously, can’t even begin to tell you how blessed we are to be welcoming Sarah into our family. Ade and I are getting another sister and we couldn’t be happier. This is just the start of all the celebrating, next stop LAS VEGAS baby!! {I’m linking up with Katie for Marvelous in My Monday}

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