MIMM # 109

MIMM # 109

Hello, Hello Wow, it feels good to be back, but I must confess it was a much needed break from everything. I have so much to share with you. Last week Sophia had her last day of Kindergarten. I can’t even begin to tell you how bittersweet it is for me. I am oh so proud of the little girl she is becoming, but I am very sad that my little girl is growing up so quickly. Sophia’s last day of school was Tuesday, I then had to pack and get ready to leave for VEGAS!! I can’t believe this...

MIMM # 108

MIMM # 108

This weekend begin with my baby girl getting her ears pierced!! She has been asking for them for a few weeks now, so she got them pierced for her 6th birthday gift!! And of course, she wanted them before she saw her friends at her party. Sophia didn’t even flinch. Steve and I were way more nervous then she was letting on. She is one tough little girl and I am one proud Mama. I still can’t believe my little girl is growing up so fast. Saturday afternoon was so much fun. We choose to have Sophia’s party at the...

I’m Not Perfect…

but I really try to be and it’s not a good thing. We do we hold ourselves to higher standards then everyone else. I always preach about how perfection is not possible, yet I expect myself to be perfect. The perfect body (what is that anyway?), the perfect mom, wife, blogger, business women, etc. Why oh why do we do this to ourselves. And when I get off track from any or all of those things boy oh boy do I beat myself up for days, weeks, months, even years. Yes, I hold grudges toward myself, but no one else....

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