Thinking out Loud # 62

Thinking out Loud # 62

{Linking up with Amanda for Thinking Out Loud} 1. Oh my, I can’t believe we leave tomorrow for Colorado!! Seriously, how is our trip already here?! I am so excited yet, so nervous I am going to forget something. But, I must say this is the has been the easiest trip to pack for since Sophia was born. I realized that in the past few years if we traveled we always had a baby or two tagging along. Which made for lots of little extras. Now we have little girls and big girls. Wow, so much easier; at least the packing part. We will see how the plane...

WIAW # 107 – Sophia’s 6th Birthday

WIAW # 107 – Sophia’s 6th Birthday

Hello, Hello I hope you are having a wonderful week. Can you believe tomorrow is Thursday already? That means I am linking up with Jenn for What I Ate Wednesday Tuesday. Wow, I haven’t written one of these posts in a LONG time. Yesterday, was Sophia’s 6th birthday and it truly is bittersweet. I am so proud of the little girl she is becoming, yet I am so sad to say good-bye to my sweet little baby. Where did the time go? It feel like just yesterday I was rocking her sleep, holding her tight. We are so blessed to have such...

MIMM # 111 – Fireworks 2015

MIMM # 111 – Fireworks 2015

Our weekend was so much fun, but very unproductive. I had high hopes to get most of our packing done, but it just didn’t happen. Oh well, I have still have a few more days; procrastination at it finest. Ha!! Fireworks with our girls is one of my favorite events of the year; the girls love it too. Getting all four to take a picture is not easy. I love that our girls have such a strong relationship with Gigi (my grandma); it truly is priceless. Even though it was an incredibly late night for our girls they all did amazingly...

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