Thinking Out Loud # 63

1. Getting home from a vacation is all work and no play; well it should be. I feel like there is just not enough time in my day to get all the laundry and organizing done that needs to be done. Ahhh!! 2. Even though I have so much work to do, we went to the pool two days in a row. Perfection!! The work can wait. 3. McKenzie and McKayla had their best pool day yet. (I am going to work on creating a YouTube channel to share all of our funny family moments. I am getting better at...

A Day at Denver Aquarium

A Day at Denver Aquarium

Good evening everyone. I can’t believe it’s already Wednesday. Since, we traveled all day Monday this week has gone by very fast and I am still digging out of all the suitcases and endless loads of laundry. Things are slowly but surely starting to come together. One of our days while in Denver was spent at the Aquarium; this may have been my favorite day of the trip. Seriously, our girls loved it and so did I. It began with lunch while watching the mermaids swim, yes there were “real live mermaids”. Before the trip Sophia told me there were no...

I’m back!!

I’m back!!

Wow, I truly had all the intentions in the world to check in throughout my 10 days away, but it simply didn’t happen and I must admit it felt good to disconnect. Over the next few days I will tell you all about our fun adventures. Denver is truly a great city to visit with a family. I can’t wait to tell you about our trips to the aquarium and zoo. I wish we had more time I would have taken the girls to so many more places (the children’s museum and Six Flags). Our trip began last Friday, July 3rd....

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