WIAW # 110 – A Day in the Life

WIAW # 110 – A Day in the Life

Summer Edition….

4:55am – McKayla wakes up for who knows what reason, I give her back her paci, then decide to just get up for the day (my alarm was set to go off at 5am anyway).

5:05am – Get downstairs and begin my workout. I started following the bodyrock.tv 30 Day Real Time Challenge about a week and a half ago, today I did Day 10. This was a nice short 30 minute workout. Most of the workouts are about an hour (a little longer then I like, but they have been kicking my booty and I love that). I have been pretty sore these past couple weeks so I added a quick 15 minute Bodyrock yoga video and it was just what I needed, actually it could have been a little more of a stretch, but it was still great.

6:00am – McKenzie starts calling, so I run upstairs and try to get her before she wakes her sister, but no such luck. Within 5 minutes I am going back upstairs to get McKayla. We all snuggle on the couch for a little bit.

6:15am – I run upstairs to see why Sophia is calling so early and she just wants a hug. Then she falls back to sleep. My sweet girl. Once I come back downstairs I try to sneak into the kitchen to start making breakfast, but I get summoned back to the playroom couch. “Sit Mama”. Oh to be loved so much.

Morning snuggles are the best.

day in the life - mckenzie mckayla snuggles day in the life - mckenzie mckayla snuggles 2 day in the life - mckenzie mckayla snuggles 3 day in the life - mckenzie mckayla snuggles 4

6:30am – I am finally released and allowed to go cook breakfast. Ha!! I make us some Protein Pumpkin Pancakes. They were delicious.

wiaw - pumpkin pancakes 2

7:00am – Isabella starts calling, so I run upstairs once again and bring her downstairs (our girls only get out of bed when we come, unless they have to go potty). Isabella isn’t ready to eat so she plays with the babies while I finish eating my pancakes.

7:30am – Sophia calls me up, so I run (yes, I am always running because someone always needs me NOW) up the stairs (I love all this extra exercise I get in the mornings, especially when my legs are already sore). We put a clock in Sophia’s room about a week ago to help her sleep longer and it has worked. It took about a week to adjust her body, but two days in a row she has slept past 7am. Once, I bring Sophia downstairs I make her and Isabella some pancakes. I then clean the kitchen while the girls play.

8:00am – We all head upstairs to play and I jump in the shower and get ready for the day. While getting ready McKenzie and McKayla went on the potty. Whoo hoo!! We have been practicing for a few weeks now; nothing intense, but they seem to be picking up on how it all works. We then have to get them dressed. These two love getting clothes on, which will be nice when school starts, but some days I just don’t feel like getting them dressed. Can’t we have a pajama day?!

9:00am – Sophia and Isabella pick out their outfits for the day and we do their hair.

9:15am – We all have a snack before leaving for the mall. I grab an apple, easy to eat while finding shoes.

wiaw - apple

9:35am – I find/get everyone’s shoes one. Yes, some days it takes me 15 minutes or more just to find everyone’s shoes. Ahhh, too many feet in this house. Once shoes are on I send the girls out to the garage to get into their car seats. Of course, I have to buckle everyone, but at least they get a head start.

9:45am – We are all in the car ready to leave, our departure went very smoothly. Truly my girls are great at getting out the door, they really are all great helpers.

10:15am – We arrive at the mall. I get the stroller out then unbuckle everyone. Oh, wait no Sophia unbuckles everyone. Yes, she is AMAZING, I love having my big girl with me!! We get the babies in the stroller and SOPHIA pushes, I just swing my arms. Not really, but I can dream.

I only have one mission at the mall today, so it’s an easy trip. I simply need to return and repurchase my things from last week (I found a $75 off coupon; way too good to pass up.). We all look around for a few minutes then make our way to the check-out. While I am paying McKenzie and McKayla insist on walking, so I get them out of the stroller, they hang with their big sisters. Oh how I love my girls. They are so easy to take places and boy do they love shopping. Daddy is in trouble.

10:45am – We make our way back out to the car. Sophia and I load everyone in, we are off. Once we get home I make lunch, eat lunch, and clean lunch. I had a couple pieces of leftover baked breaded chicken (I will share this chicken recipe with you ASAP; it’s easy and delicious), oven roasted potatoes, and green beans. Followed by a tsp. of almond butter.

I forgot to get a picture of my chicken. I’m sorry, it was such a crazy day.

wiaw - roasted potatoes

wiaw - tsp almond butter

12:00pm – NAP TIME!! We made it. YAY!! McKenzie and McKayla kiss and hug their sisters, say “nighty night”, then we make our way upstairs to find their pacis and snuggle in the rocking chair. I put them in their cribs and get more hugs and kisses, they really are such lovers.

Sophia and Isabella were tired from the mall so they relaxed in my bed and watched a movie. Now, my work begins. Since, the big girls were happy I did the dishes, laundry, and cleaned. I finished  just in time for the babies to wake up.

1:30pm – McKenzie wakes up and we snuggle (my favorite time of the day), while Sophia and Isabella play barbies. It felt amazing to finally sit down. Snuggle time is the best.

2:15pm – McKayla wakes up, so McKenzie and I go upstairs to get her out of bed. I love watching these two greet each other after naps. “Hi Sissy”

We all play for a little bit. I get everyone a snack and then we get ready for our second errand of the day, the grocery store.

I heat up a couple meatloaf muffins before heading out.

wiaw - meatloaf muffins

3:30pm – I find everyone’s shoes and we head on out.

4:30pm – We arrive back home and unpack the car. Then, get everyone a yogurt.

5:30pm – I am starving too, I make myself a salad with turkey, almonds, and walnuts.

wiaw - salad with nuts

I get the girls dinner and then we clean, clean, clean. I used to clean the playroom while the girls were sleeping, but then I decided they are all old enough to help, so that is what we have been doing after dinner. We ended our night with a green smoothie and popcorn.

Yes, I just vacuumed, but they were all happily eating and drinking. If popcorn everywhere means happy girls, then I’m good.

wiaw - popcorn bag day in the life - girls green drinks

Isn’t our fort lovely? The second we have a clean playroom they just have to start building some thing. They loved every minute of it and I love watching my girls play together. Sisters are the best.

6:45pm – We start getting PJ’s on and of course everyone was hungry again. So, I cut up a bunch of fruit.

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6:55pm – We headed up stairs. Sophia and Isabella brush their teeth, go potty, and snuggle in my bed while I put the babies to bed.

7:15pm – Sophia, Isabella, and myself read books and pray. I carry them to their own beds and kiss them goodnight. Then I snuggle and read with Sophia for a little bit (We started this tradition when she started kindergarten; she really needed extra Mommy time and so did I.).

8:00pm – I wash my face, brush teeth and come downstairs to finish cleaning and fold laundry.

9:00pm – I finally get to sit, blog, and catch up on a few shows. Whoo hoo!!

9:45pm – Head upstairs to read and hopefully fall asleep by 10pm.


Wow, that was a crazy day. Not all my days are the same, but with four children they are pretty much all busy. Some days it gets to me, but most days I love my happy, chaotic life. I wouldn’t have it any other way. My girls are my life.


{Linking up with Jenn for What I Ate Wednesday}

In the Comments Below:

  1. Tell me about your summer days and what have you been eating lately.

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