Thinking Out Loud # 67 – So Much to Talk About

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Thinking Out Loud # 67 – So Much to Talk About

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1. Some of McKenzie’s new sayings:

  • “bad sissy” – I always feel bad when she says it to McKayla, but usually she is right. I can’t figure out where she heard this; my guess is her big sisters.
  • “away sissy” (meaning go away)

2. and McKayla’s:

  • “alright”
  • “okay”
  • “no, no, no” (while shaking her head; it’s hilarious) – I wonder who says that to her?!

3. McKenzie and McKayla are learning new words every second of every day. They are like parrots.

4. I have been a blubbering mess lately. I seriously can’t stop crying every time I think about my girls going to school in a couple of weeks. Sophia is going to be gone 5 days a week once again and Isabella 2 days. No, no, no this can’t be happening, we can’t already be at this point in our lives. I can’t even begin to tell you how not ready I am to see my girls walk into school. I want them to stay my little girls forever. I want them with me all the time. We put in all this love and time, only to have them grow up and leave us. Yes, it is a lot of work and very busy, but I love them with all my heart and I wouldn’t change this for the world. My girls are my life!!


5. It feels a lot like fall around here and I am not sure I’m ready for it. We went outside yesterday and I was freezing. I can’t imagine what it will feel like when we are in the dead of winter. At least next week, our last week before school, is looking absolutely perfect, 80’s and sunny. Now that’s my kind of weather!! But, I must say the chill in the air didn’t bother the girls in the least.

think - mckayla carrying giraffe think - mckayla carrying giraffe 2 think - mckayla mckenzie riding think - outside girls riding

6. The pool has finally gotten easier and now summer is coming to an end. I’m really going to miss our afternoons at the pool.

think - mckayla pool think - girls pool think - pool mckenzie mckayla swimming think - pool mckenzie mckayla isabella think - pool girls 2 think - pool mckenzie mckayla isabella 2 think - girls pool 3 think - girls pool 4

7. But we do love to go shopping. So, once the weather gets too cold to be outside all day everyday I know where we will all be. Tuesday, we went to Costco and had a blast. I love shopping with my girls no matter where we go, the mall, the grocery store, etc. My girls are the best shopping buddies. I’m so blessed to have four of them. 🙂

think - costco girls

8. Okay, I have been drinking water like it’s my job lately. I have been trying and pretty much succeeding every day at drinking a gallon of water. It’s easier said then done. Some days I am definitely chugging it at the end of the day. But, I feel so much better when I drink my water.

9. This morning we decided to go to Target and Mimi met us there. Target may very well be one of my favorite places, my girls love it, I love it, and everyone is happy. Oh and these carts may be once of the best inventions ever!!

think - girls target think - girls target 2

10. McKenzie is calling me into her bedroom while I was getting dressed this morning and this is how I find her:

think - mckenzie climbing think - mckenzie climbing 2

See McKayla can get into their cribs no problem, McKenzie not so much.

{I’m linking up with Amanda for Thinking Out Loud}

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