Thinking Out Loud # 20

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Hello, Hello

I hope you have had a wonderful week. Only one more day left. Wow, this week seemed to go by so quick. Since, it’s Thursday it’s time for thinking out loud. I must say I missed last week and I didn’t like it one bit. Thursdays are one of my favorite days in my blogging. I love being able to share all my random thinking with all of you. Thank Amanda for hosting.

Thinking-Out-Loud (2)

1. I noticed our pantry and freezer have been over flowing lately, so for the next couple weeks we are only buying produce, milk, yogurt, etc. Basically, we have to eat what we have. I hate wasting food and I know we have far too much. So, tonight we had a mix of stuffed shells and rolled manicotti (we have had those noodles in there forever). Classy, I know!!

WIAW 39 - stuffed shells

2. I read this on one of my favorite fitness pages and I really love this way of thinking about eating. “When you are eating clean and choose not to eat junk. Think of it as it is your choice not to eat badly. Don’t think that you can’t have it. Always remember you can have whatever you want but you choose not to.” I love that quote it is the way we all should think.

3. You know how I always talk about loving my workouts. Well, I really do. I look forward to doing them day in and day out, to the point that I haven’t been taking days off. I know, I know it’s bad, but I really enjoy my morning workouts and I enjoy that it is my time. If you love your workout you will never feel like you “work” out a day in your life. Oh and the new blogilates calendar is out. Whoo hoo!! I love starting a new month.

4. I can’t believe Steve and I leave for Las Vegas in just over two weeks. I am so excited to spend a few days with just my hubby. We definitely need this time together. I am going to miss my babies, but I know I will come back refreshed and ready to be the best mom ever. Of course, I have mom guilt, but that never ends. Why do we hold ourselves to such higher standards then everyone else? I feel as though we, moms/women, expect perfection from ourselves. Why are we never enough? Why can’t we ever take a break without feeling bad? We need to realize we are good enough. We do everything we can to be the best for our children. We are enough!!

5. One thing I have been thinking about lately is how different, but equally wonderful my relationship is with each of my girls. I love them all so very much. I am so blessed to have four daughters and cannot wait for our relationships to grow.

6. Lately, I have been sad with how much our babies are becoming toddlers. Yes, I am excited for this next phase, but boy is it hard to imagine not having any more babies in our house. I truly try to cherish each moment with McKenzie and McKayla, but some days it is not easy. Nothing is easy when it comes to twins. They sure love to keep my on my toes.

7. I love my new business venture. I love that it has given me something that is my own. I love my little bit of work I can fit in throughout the day. It is something other then laundry, cleaning, etc.

8. I can’t believe tomorrow is August 1st. Summer is going to be over before we know it and Sophia is going to be starting kindergarten. Wow, that makes me so sad. My little girls is going to school. I am going to truly miss my buddy. She is such a good girl. Seriously, this makes me cry just thinking about it. I wish I could keep her this age forever. I want to stay right here always and forever. She is amazing!!

Now it’s your turn.

8 comments on “Thinking Out Loud # 20

  1. Julie on said:

    My hubby and I went to Vegas a few weeks ago! We left the twins for the first time! They’re 16 months now. It was so nice being able to relax and spend quality time with my hubby. He works such crazy hours and weekends, which doesn’t leave much time for us! Four days away was long enough for me, but it was definitely worth it! I felt 1000 times better as a mom when we got back!
    Have a great time!

  2. Love the quote in number 2!! Also checking out some of the blogilates workouts. Looks like some great workouts. I might have to try some this month on days I don’t feel like driving to the gym.

    • Love blogilates. Seriously, I look forward to working out and miss it when I don’t. She is so motivating. The best for days when you don’t feel like leaving your house.

  3. Oh, I can’t even imagine having my little ones going to school! I can’t believe you’re not homeschooling your girls, you seem such a good fit for it. I’m 28, with 5 children, 2 of which are newborn twin girls and I’m going into our 4th year of homeschooling. We started with K5, when our oldest was of course 5. It’s wonderful to be able to do it! Anyway, keep on loving these beautiful little girls!! You’re a good mama!

    • The thought of homeschool has definitely crossed my mind, but at this point I think it’s best for Sophia to go to school. 🙂 You are super mom, I don’t know how you do it. You are amazing!! Thank you. 🙂

  4. I enjoy running but I also enjoy my rest days. And sometimes really need to convince myself to go out and run. I wish I would have your motivation and always look forward to a workout. I’m the master of excuses…


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