Tag: <span>YouTube</span>

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My Week of Workouts – May 2020

My Week of Workouts – May 2020

I know many people have been thrown off with gyms, studios and such being closed, but at home workouts are nothing new to me. I actually love them. I have never had difficulty pushing myself through a tough workout and thrive on becoming stronger and better than I was the day before. My biggest competition...



I am excited to announce my YouTube Channel is HERE. I’ve always wanted to workout with all of you through YouTube, but feared failing. Well, I finally took the plunge and uploaded my first workout video. My sweet Sophia was an amazing editor and publisher. I don’t know if I would have taken this giant...


A New Workout – Circuit Training

Good morning everyone. I am so sorry I have been off with my workout posts this week, but my workouts have been kinds crazy. Isabella had to get 18 month shots on Monday and hasn’t slept well ever since, so I have been exhausted to say the least. Monday – I didn’t workout, Steve was...


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